vineri, 27 iulie 2012


Inspirat de arta traditionala rusa si de culorile toamnei / Inspired by the russian traditional art and the autumn palette of colours

Set colier si bratari, lucrate manual in culori calde, din perle de sticla, margele din lemn, cristale si peste 1000 de margele toho si de nisip, incuietori cu nasturi vintage, foarte uor de manevrat. Colierul si bratara statement sunt cusute pe fetru si captusite cu satin auriu bordat cu margele toho.
Piesele se pot purta impreuna sau separat, oferind un aer vintage opulent si unic, unei tinute de cocktail, party, eveniment monden.


Se pot realiza replici similare (nu identice!) 

Necklace & bracelets set, hand made by wooden beads, glass pearls and crystals, and over 1000 toho and sead beads, safe and easy to wear snap, made by old fashion buttons.
The statement pieces - necklace and bracelet, are made on felt basis and they are coated with golden beige satin, boarded with sead beads. The additional bracelet is made on copper wire and can be used to dress the wrist or the ankle. 
Russian Precious set can be wore with a cocktail or party outfit, for a fashion vintage effect!


It can be replicated in similar pieces (not identical!)

Colier / Necklace: L ext = 72 cm, l max = 6.2 cm
Bratara / Bracelet: L = 20 cm, l min/max = 5.5/8.5 cm

Colier / Necklace: 72 Eur
Bratari / Bracelets: 40 Eur
Entire set: 100 Eur (discounted!)

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