marți, 31 iulie 2012


No words, just fun!


Palarie de soare, ochelari supradimensionati, rochie minimalista (sau doar un pareo...), colier, bratara de mana si doua bratari pe glezne... Parte din poveste era si un cocktail, dar... caldura mare, ma cher, s-a... evaporat :)
Boabe acrilice, cristale si o multime de margele miyuki, toho si de nisip, pe 9 spire de sarma memorie (colierul) si sarma modelaj de cupru (bratarile), pentru a accesoriza de-a lungul verii orice tinuta lejera si cool.

Setul poate fi replicat in orice culori si dimensiuni.

Large sun hat, Jackie Kennedy sun glasses, aerial cocktail dress an this airy necklace, with these joint and ankles bracelets... A refreshing cocktail was also a part of the story, but... the heat of the beach clear it off :)...
Acrylic beads, crystals and a bunch of toho, miyuki and sand beads, on memory wire (9 spires, the necklace) and copper wire (the bracelets), for accessorizing any cool outfit along the hot summer.

The set can be replicated in any color and dimensions.

Pret / Price: 40 Eur

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