marți, 31 iulie 2012


O poarta in timp, care ne conduce cu gandul catre gloria Imperiului Roman, marcata prin arta vestimentara, bogatia si rafinamentul accesoriilor

 Get back in time, for meeting the Roman Empire's glory, represented by the abundance and sophistication of it's fashion art and costume


Un pandant supradimensionat, care ne duce cu gandul la o platosa, alcatuit dintr-o combinatie de margele acrilice impletite, perle bej, aplicate pe un pat de perle mici albe si bordat cu margele din lemn. Nu lipsesc accesoriile di bronz antichizat si, deasemenea, lantul in aceeasi linie estetica, cu rolul de a pune in valoare piesa centrala.
Toate aplicatiile care alcatuiesc pandantul sunt cusute manual pe fetru, iar spatele este captusit cu satin bej.
Piesa poate accesoriza orice tinuta casual, retro, sau vintage si poate fi insotita de bratari cu elemente din bronz antichizat.


An over dimensioned pendant, which guide our mind to a thorax, handmade by a combination of white and beige pearls, bronze beads, wooden beads, large copper elements and a bulk string of acrylic beads, all sewed on a felt basis and coated with beige satin on the backside.

The Gladiator is attached to an antiquated bronze chain and it can fill up any casual, retro, or vintage outfit and it can be added up with vintage bronze bracelets.


Lant / Chain: L = 56 cm

Pandant / Pendant: D = 14.5 cm


Unicat / Exclusive 

Pret / Price: 72 Eur

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