marți, 31 iulie 2012


My first statement...

Piesa de inceput :) si... de rezistenta, un colier statement lucrat din perle de sticla gri, fraise si albe si cristale de diferite dimensiuni, cu caboshon de satin brodat cu perle si cristale, incuietoare toggle.
Inchide perfect o tinuta 'little black dress', ca unic accesoriu.


My first statement piece :)... handcrafted after one of my old desires, with white, grey and light pink glass pearls, transparent an metallic multidimensional glass crystals and satin cabochon embroidered with crystals and pearls, safe toggle locker. PERLE GLACEE perfectly compliments a little black dress outfit, as a precious exclusive jewel.

L ext = 59 cm, l max = 5.2 cm

Unicat / Exclusive

Pret / Price: priceless... :)


Stropi de azur si alte culori, privite prin ochii albastrii ai lui Stefan

Azure drops and other color, seen through Stefan's crystal blue eyes 



Etienne este un colier inspirat de ochii albastri ai unui baietel frumos, care deja priveste lumea din picioare :)
Este lucrat cu perle din sticla albe, bleu si gri, cristale transparente bleu, roz si albe, cristale metalice fatetate si margele de nisip albe cameleon, cusute pe
fetru alb.
Colierul este completat de bratara in aceeasi linie, a carei piesa centrala triunghiulara este sustinuta de trei randuri de cristale si perle pe sarma modelaj.
Setul poate completa tinute de vara, vaporoase, o camasa alba din matase naturala, sau poate inveseli o seara mai speciala in oras.

Setul poate fi reprodus in replici asemanatoare
Etienne is a jewel inspired by the blue eyes of a little boy, who already looks over the world on standing :)
The necklace and the central piece of the bracelet are handcrafted with white, light blue and grey glass pearls, transparent white, pink, metallic and blue crystals and chameleon white sand beads, on felt basis.
The bracelet is fitted on three pearls and crystals strings.
Etienne can be weared with aerial summer dresses, light silk shirts for a business elegant outfit, or it can  cheer up an evening down town experience.

The set can be replicate on similar pieces

Colier / Necklace: L = 57 cm, l = 3 cm
Bratara / Bracelet: l max = 4.5 cm

Pret / Price: 
Colier / Necklace: 84 Eur
Bratara / Bracelet: 30 Eur
The entire set: 100 Eur

Bord de Mer

Cantecul sirenelor si comorile marii, aduse la tarm prin acest colier translucid, cu reflexii serene si misterioase...

Mermaids song and deep ocean treasures, brought to the beach coast by this translucent, mysterious necklace...

Un mozaic de perle albe si crem, cristale roz, cipsuri de jad si de cuart alb, in jurul unui cabochon 'calut de mare' din sticla semitransparenta, prinse intr-un pandant conceput sa surprinda linistea adancurilor marine.
Prins pe un sirag din aceeasi mixtura de pietre si perle si insotit de bratara in aceleasi tonuri.
Desi usor supradimensionat, este un set romantic si delicat, ce poate accesoriza tinute pastelate de zi, in orice sezon.

 Setul poate fi replicat cat mai fidel, dar nu identic
A mosaic of white and creamy glass pearls,  green jade and white quartz chips, pink translucent and transparent crystals, around a glass ocean theme cabochon, all sewed on felt basis, the pendant is conceived for connecting you to the abyssal sounds of the ocean bed.
Attached to a chain made of jade, quartz, amethyst chips and glass pearls and completed with a bland bracelet made by the same materials, the set can accessorize any pastel shade outfit, in any season, adding a romantic and delicate polish. 

The set can be replicate, but not identical

Lant / Chain: L = 60 cm
Pandant / Pendant: 11.5 x 6.5 cm
Bratara / Bracelet: 22 x 4 cm

Unicat / Exlusive

Rezervat / Reserved

Pret / Price: 96 Eur


Inspirat de arta rafinata si traditiile tarilor baltice...

Inspired by the exquisite art and tradition of the Baltics...


Baltica este alcatuit din cinci piese, fiecare piesa fiind lucrata din cipsuri de pietre semipretioase (agat negru si maro, jad, cuart, piatra soarelui), perle bej si cristale orange transparente, cusute pe fetru.
Piesa centrala este lucrata in jurul unui element din bronz antichizat, tot din bronz antichizat fiind si elementele de legatura si incuietoarea simpla tip delfin. Spatele este acoperit cu margele de nisip bej argintiu.
Este un colier de zi rafinat si, datorita cristalelor si perlelor presarate in model, poate fi adaptat si unor tinute de cocktail.


BALTICA is handmade of five distinct pieces, assembled by bronze elements an also a bronze locker. Each piece is made by chips of semiprecious stones (black and brown agate, jade, quartz, sun stone), beige glass pearls and transparent orange crystals, on a felt basis. The central piece is handcrafted around an antiquated bronze element. The backside is coated with silver beige sand beads. The necklace is a day by day fashionable jewel and can be attached to any smart elegant or five o' clock occasion.


L ext = 50 cm, l max = 4 cm


Unicat / Exclusive


Pret / Price:  72 Eur




O poarta in timp, care ne conduce cu gandul catre gloria Imperiului Roman, marcata prin arta vestimentara, bogatia si rafinamentul accesoriilor

 Get back in time, for meeting the Roman Empire's glory, represented by the abundance and sophistication of it's fashion art and costume


Un pandant supradimensionat, care ne duce cu gandul la o platosa, alcatuit dintr-o combinatie de margele acrilice impletite, perle bej, aplicate pe un pat de perle mici albe si bordat cu margele din lemn. Nu lipsesc accesoriile di bronz antichizat si, deasemenea, lantul in aceeasi linie estetica, cu rolul de a pune in valoare piesa centrala.
Toate aplicatiile care alcatuiesc pandantul sunt cusute manual pe fetru, iar spatele este captusit cu satin bej.
Piesa poate accesoriza orice tinuta casual, retro, sau vintage si poate fi insotita de bratari cu elemente din bronz antichizat.


An over dimensioned pendant, which guide our mind to a thorax, handmade by a combination of white and beige pearls, bronze beads, wooden beads, large copper elements and a bulk string of acrylic beads, all sewed on a felt basis and coated with beige satin on the backside.

The Gladiator is attached to an antiquated bronze chain and it can fill up any casual, retro, or vintage outfit and it can be added up with vintage bronze bracelets.


Lant / Chain: L = 56 cm

Pandant / Pendant: D = 14.5 cm


Unicat / Exclusive 

Pret / Price: 72 Eur


O pereche de catuse care te leaga iremeiabil de serile in club!

A pair of handcuffs, for irremediable chaining you up of the clubbing nights!



Bratara tip catusa, lucrata cu siruri de cristale metalice fatetate aurii, argintii si antracit, cristale transparente si margele toho cameleon metalic, cusute pe fetru si captusita cu organza bordeaux, trei incuietori simple tip delfin.
Atrage atentia din orice pozitie, prin sclipirile metalice, diferite functie de luminozitate si in plus, subtiaza aparent incheietura mainii. Extrem de potrivita pentru o tinuta de club, sau o iesire seara in oras, fiind 'declaratia' unei personalitati puternice!
Pentru simetrie, poate avea o 'sora geamana', astfel ca ambele maini sa fie accesorizate la fel.

Latime: 7 cm

Piesa poate fi replicata in orice culori si dimensiuni.


Handcuff bracelet, handmade by a range of golden, silvery, anthracite, transparent white crystals and chameleon toho beads, on a felt basis, with three simple dolphin lockers.
This bracelet catches all the eyes, from any corner of the party, with it's metallic sparkle, depending on light and your joint will appear thinner. 
Very appropriate for a club or down town night, Handcuff is a statement of your strong personality!
For symmetry and more powerful impact, you can wear two identical pieces, one on each hand. 

Width: 7 cm

The piece can be replicated in any color and dimension.


Pret / Price: 48 Eur


No words, just fun!


Palarie de soare, ochelari supradimensionati, rochie minimalista (sau doar un pareo...), colier, bratara de mana si doua bratari pe glezne... Parte din poveste era si un cocktail, dar... caldura mare, ma cher, s-a... evaporat :)
Boabe acrilice, cristale si o multime de margele miyuki, toho si de nisip, pe 9 spire de sarma memorie (colierul) si sarma modelaj de cupru (bratarile), pentru a accesoriza de-a lungul verii orice tinuta lejera si cool.

Setul poate fi replicat in orice culori si dimensiuni.

Large sun hat, Jackie Kennedy sun glasses, aerial cocktail dress an this airy necklace, with these joint and ankles bracelets... A refreshing cocktail was also a part of the story, but... the heat of the beach clear it off :)...
Acrylic beads, crystals and a bunch of toho, miyuki and sand beads, on memory wire (9 spires, the necklace) and copper wire (the bracelets), for accessorizing any cool outfit along the hot summer.

The set can be replicated in any color and dimensions.

Pret / Price: 40 Eur


Stralucire discreta si muuuult romantism...

Delicate glimmer and a lot of romance...

Usor de asortat, cu efect romantic si delicat, nuante neutre, margele toho mov pal si albe, margele bugle albe, completate cu cristale fatetate albe metalice si roz, montate pe memory wire.
Colierul contine 8 spire si este completat de 6 fragmente de bratara pe memory wire, care pot fi purtate in mai multe moduri - fie ca piesa unica, supradimensionata, pe o singura mana, fie impartite simetric pe ambele incheieturi, fie si/sau pe glezne in timpul verii.
Usor de purtat si de manevrat, cu tonuri neutre, poate fi 'accesoriul universal' pentru aproape orice tinuta :)

Setul poate fi replicat in orice culori si imensiuni!

Latimea maxima a bratarii, cu toate cele 6 piese: 16 cm 

Easy to assort, irradiating a romantic and delicate effect in neutral shades of lavender and white toho beads, white buggle beads, silvery and transparent pink crystals, threaded on memory wire.
The necklace is composed by 8 spires and it can be blended with the 6 pieces of bracelet, made by the same materials and which can be worn as an unique over dimensioned piece, on one hand, or symmetric on both hans, or even on the ankles, on summer.
Easy to handle and wear, Cortesia can be your 'universal accessory', for almost any of your outfits.

The set can be replicate in any colors and dimensions!

Max. width of the bracelet with all 6 pieces: 16 cm
Pret / Price: 36 Eur

Rezervat / Reserved

luni, 30 iulie 2012


Inspirat de o bijuterie daruita Tarinei Ecaterina cea Mare, de catre sotul ei, Petru al III-lea al Rusiei

Inspired by an exquisite jewel given to Tsarina Catherine the Great, by her husband, Peter III of Russia


Colier vintage unicat, lucrat tridimensional din margele acrilice albastre, perle gri si bej, cristale de sticla si peste 1000 de margele toho si de nisip, cusute pe suport de fetru.
Colierul este captusit cu satin gri bordat cu margele toho si este completat de un inel supradimensionat in acelasi ton.
Piesa completeaza cu un aer misterios, extrem de rafinat si totodata vesel orice outfit in una din culorile modelului, este potrivit atat pentru zi, cat si pentru seri de vara (asortat unei rochii vaporoase), sau iarna (asortat unui tricotaj).
Incuietoarea cu nasture vintage tip argint patinat determina inchiderea si deschiderea cu usurinta.


Exclusive vintage necklace, in multidimensional volume, given by the different dimensions of beads: blue acrylic beads, grey and beige glass pearls, glass crystals and over a thousand toho and sand beads, on a felt basis and coated on the backside with grey satin and toho beads. The antique silvery button makes the piece easy to lock and safe to wear.

Empress Ecaterina adds a mysterious, exquisite and also bright appearance to any outfit matched with one of it's colors, for summer day or night aerial dresses, or autumn-winter easy woollies.

Necklace: L ext = 68 cm, l max = 5 cm

Ring: l = 3 cm

Unicat / Exclusive

Rezervat / Reserved

Pret / Price: 140 Eur